Sunday, December 25, 2011

Behind the Scenes Part 2

Welcome to Part 2! This is the Blooper Reel. Enjoy the crazyness!

The Grim cheering. He's the only one excited about death. 

 That's one for the memory book, the night you had a pillow fight with Death himself.

This wasn't the first time one of the kids was placed in the chimmney.

Or the last.

It was entertaining to watch the boys play pretend, to say the least.

Somehow, I don't think the mallet belongs in her face....

That's what you call scared for life.

Caroline moved on fast. The Grim comes for her husband, she makes a move on him.

Sad puppy face Charles

I always stand in the middle of the bed to find out I'm pregnant, don't you?

Not sure what happened here, to be honest.

Not a glitch, but it was a blooper that those two were being nice to each other.

Graduation time, tired to spin into his robes, but for a second he was standing there under confetti in his pjs.

I call it "The Cleanest Taxi Ever- half public transportation, half maid-mobile, all glitched"

Pushing a stroller, why's this a blooper?

Take a look at this angle, somehow I don't think that's how it's supposed to look.

Close, but not quite.

I just love to sit in the engine when I take a taxi.

Cheer up  Charles, at least life isn't boring.

I call this one the Sims 3 clown car. I see four sims in the taxi...

And eight sims pop out of it.

What is it with this girl and sticking things in her face?

I think someone turned the gravity on extra high.

Sinking through the floor, fine. But when you stand on the crib, I start to worry. Mostly for Fred, the toddler who looks to be in danger.

Well, that's the bloopers. The Darcys are a glitchy bunch, but it's all good fun. Come back on New Year's Eve for parts 3 and 4 to see things that never happened, including the Darcy children that no longer exist.


  1. Hahaha! This one was really funny Grace. I love all the different glitches you were having. Even if it can be annoying sometimes.

  2. Darcy children that no longer exist??? Whaaat?

    1. Well, when I said the Darcys were glitchy, I meant it. I played through the first few chapters multiple times, and once I thought I knew where it was going to go I had Charles and Charlotte have two kids. But then that save died on me, so those kids no longer exist, which is a shame. I'll have those pics up soon.

    2. Oh, phew! I thought you had gotten Charlotte pregnant for story picture purposes, because you didn't get enough pictures of her pregnancy, and then deleted/killed/moved out the spare babies you didn't want and I was sad. I'm glad that wasn't it!

    3. I would never do that! Gah, that would be just awful. I adore little sim babies to kill one off, even if it was an extra. :) They worm their way right into my heart.
